The Academy for Small Membership Church Ministries is Advocating, Celebrating, Teaching, and Serving to help small membership churches thrive and become like the early church in the book of Acts. Our programs are designed to inspire and motivate people to read, reflect, and share, fostering spiritual growth within themselves and helping them to lead their churches to thrive.
Throughout the Bible, some have tried to take matters into their own hands rather than wait for God's guidance. However, Jesus' words and actions remind us how we are to live our faith.
For churches and pastors beginning a new appointment
By Rev. Dr. Carl K. Ellis |
The Academy for Small Membership Church Ministries has a step-by-step video to help your church build a strong foundation as you begin your work with a new pastor.
How do pastors get everything done in a week? What happens when the pastor is away on vacation or has important obligations and a church member needs a pastoral visit? We have a class to help.
God has nudged some of us to go into ministry and we keep getting stuck on the first question - “What is God calling me to do?” - when we should be asking the second question: “Why am I not doing what God has called me to do?”
Helping Small Membership Churches Become the Church of ACTS
By Rev. Dr. Carl K. Ellis |
The Academy needs your financial support as we help small membership churches thrive by advocating, celebrating, teaching, and serving small membership churches.
My grandfather taught me to cast a deep-sea rod and reel when I was twelve. The rod and reel were large, the line and sinker were heavy, and the hook was big. When I finally mastered casting, my grandfather rewarded me with my very own deep-sea rod and reel.