Trauma-Informed Theology

The church is a place where folks find love, grace and community. Churches are also filled with people who have experienced different traumatic experiences and they have suffer from the lasting affects of trauma.

Pastors must be able to create safe spaces for worship participations. Pastors must also be able to provide safe pastoral care to individuals.

Trauma-informed theology is a theology that looks at a whole person: body, mind, and soul. This theology requires pastors to consider how they conduct worship and provide care to their congregations.

This is an 8-week course that will provide an understanding of trauma, trauma-informed theology and care, and help pastors prepare a trauma-informed worship. This class is a must have tool in your toolbox!

Dates and Details

This course is online. See Minimum Requirements for Online Learning.
The course includes online meetings. A webcam and microphone or headset are required. A high speed internet connection is recommended. Participants work online asynchronously between meetings.



Registration deadline




Rev. Marcee Binder

Marcee Binder

Rev. Marcee Binder

Board Member

The Rev. Dr. Marcee Binder is the lead pastor of Rockbrook United Methodist Church in Omaha Nebraska.


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Course Information
Trauma-Informed Theology
Participant Information
Please include complete phone number with area code in this format: 000-000-0000.
Please include complete phone number with area code in this format: 000-000-0000.
Please include complete phone number with area code in this format: 000-000-0000.
Reasons for registration
Please check all that apply.
Other Information
Payment Options
Mailing address displays on next page.
PayPal button displays on next page. PayPal account is not required; credit cards are accepted.
A $25.00 non-refundable deposit is due with registration. The remaining tuition or fee is due one week before the course or event.