Living Discipleship Everyday, Not Just Sunday

Do we parade our Christianity Sunday morning or live out our faith in Jesus daily? Or maybe, like Martha, we are too busy to practice our faith.

Many of us, like Martha, have important stuff to do! We have to-do lists for home, office, and family. But unfortunately, many are in such a rush to succeed, make ends meet, and live the American dream that God is pushed to the side during the week. Some are so busy running to activities that there is no time even on Sunday for God. Some are so busy that the family is no longer about eating together at the dinner table, but eating on the run or while watching television.

And let us not forget the important causes we march for, write articles for, and spend time Facebooking about. We feel responsible for making sure everyone knows what we believe God wants us to tell them and the world what to do.

I wonder if we get so wrapped up in timelines, to-do lists, jobs, and causes we leave Jesus behind. Then, we get upset with those who question our work, will not walk alongside us, and will not take the time to help with the heavy lifting.

I wonder if we might want to hit life's reset button, stop what we are doing, and read the story of Mary and Martha. In the story, we will read how Martha was distraught with Mary because while she (Martha) was doing all the work, Mary seemed to be goldbricking, sitting, and listening to Jesus.

To Martha's surprise, Jesus did not side with her but with Mary. Mary had chosen the right portion. She took time from her busy schedule to listen to Jesus. I wonder if we fail to learn from the story of Mary and Martha and rethink our priorities and busy lifestyles. Just maybe, we are leaving God behind and need to take more time in prayer, bible study, and worship before changing the world.

Christianity is more than parading our faith on Sunday morning. Christianity and discipleship are 24 hours a day and seven days a week. We are called to continually give thanks to God, pray without ceasing and hear God's voice so we can be Jesus' disciples at home and work with family and neighbors.

As members of small membership churches, we might want to remember that we are called not to fill our weeks with meetings but to make sure we have time to listen to and live out our Christian discipleship.